Editorial Design | Poster Design | Illustrations & Patterns
This poster design using my own illustrations used through out, with variations and features to make the illustration more playful and life like. Mobile phones are notorious for tracking and holding personal information without the user realising, with this in mind, I used an eye on the mobile phone to represent this.
Our mobile phones are the most personal item that we constantly have on us, from roaming the web to using various apps that have the power to tap into your personal details by simply from agreeing with the terms and conditions. This project taps into the fact that we as users rarely ever read through our terms and conditions on various applications, endangering our personal details and increasing the risk of hacking personal information.

Poster Design
The posters were created to be printed for use in public areas to raise awareness of the ongoing issue with online privacy. Ideally they would be presented in areas with high traffic such as bus stop. flyers, underground posters, billboards, and more.